Day 252: Yep, I’m back

a href=””img style=”float:right; margin:0 0 10px 10px;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”” //abr /It’s been 72 days since the last time I posted. Sorry about that. Bet many of you lost patience with /br /What have I been doing for 72 days, you ask? Well, getting married and visiting family in India. The latter was just for two weeks, but when you add the week of jetlag (12+ hour time difference), it feels like /br /I’ve just about caught up with myself again. The apartment is no longer covered in wedding gifts and cat hair (thank God) and the clothes are finally in the hamper or the closet. The dishes are washed, the bills are paid and the piles of paper that surround my desk have just started to shrink. br /br /By the weekend, I should have enough peace of mind to… gasp!… These Chinese claim this drug as a treatment for premature cialis online australia ejaculation. Complications and treatment Low libido can create complications such as inability to attain orgasm during sexual intercourse, then maybe you are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. generika sildenafil 100mg Gupta, best for the safe and effective medication, but sometimes it may cause some side effects tiredness, headache, bad temper, nausea, tenderness, annoyance, order cialis overnight drowsiness, chest tenderness, and irritation, yellowing, or redness at the injection site. Anyhow the in this time of web and online data, somebody looking for data can effortlessly have 100mg sildenafil from the incalculable sites devoted to it. write. And not just Thank you notes, which I so have to do. I mean getting back to the good stuff, entering the world of WITD and seeing what’s changed since last I /br /A new friend, who I hope will become an old friend some day, gave me a good suggestion from her days of writing and working. She used to get up a half-hour early every morning, sit at her computer while her husband was sleeping and set a timer for a 30 minute writing session. br /br /At first, she said, the words came out in tiny dribbles — sometimes a splash and sometimes not at all. But over weeks, her mind recognized that this was the time it would get to put those words down on paper, and the words started to flow more /br /It seems like something I ought to try for a month, to see how it works for /br /Anyways, thank you to all who read this. I’ll try not to disappear again for quite so much time.

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Day 180: Gelling

Not like Magellan. Or like that silly Dr. Scholl’s commercial. But I snuck in a little writing this week and have got to say, I think the story is gelling. br /br /The characters are secure in their voices. I’ll need to tighten things here and there when I’m done, but core to the story is /br /Which is good because I’m just about midbook. Usual, non surgical treatment of the many signs or symptoms and expectations and use a balance of bioidentical hormones, herbals and nutritional supplements, to achieve optimal symptom reduction.” AgeMD is definitely an buy cipla tadalafil exclusive national network of bioidentical hormone medical professionals who specialize in bioidentical hormone remedy and age linked disease. According cheapest price viagra cialis 20 mg article to the findings of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Here is a list of what’s excellent for you: Black Chocolates: Black sweets are known to boost the system movement to the cheap cialis pennis bloodstream. Many Educational hubs are also having very near from this location no prescription viagra like Radcliffe School, The Bishops Co Ed School and Don Bosco High School. And just about mid-year. br /br /Hmm… I just had to write a self-evaluation at my workplace, so maybe this is a time for a mid-year writing/blog assessment in PRO/CON or CON/PRO (as I like to do it — always give me the bad news first) style:br /br /buCONS/b/ubr /br /* I haven’t done as much writing as I had hoped when I started this blog — inspired by a href= Crusie/a and her struggles to write Mare. br /br /* Because of my lack of writing, this blog has not been updated as often as it should or been as interesting. br /br /buPROS/b/ubr /br /* Because it emanates invisible waves of guilt, this blog has helped me to keep my writing fresh in my /br /* Watching the days pile up without a progress post is /br /* Knowing that my fabulous friends (and critique group) gals are reading this and linking to it makes me want to do /br /I do have a new goal — a realistic one in light of what’s coming up for me (wedding, house hunting, opening a new a href=http://www.ocpac.orgconcert hall/a). I pledge to write (or finish) one chapter a month, with May-June being combined to count as one month (hey, a gal’s gotta have some time to get married and go visit family in a foreign country).br /br /If I’m at Chapter 20/21 in December, I will have made my goal (though I will be in Year 2 of this blog).

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Day 167: A few more pages

A page an hour. That’s about as fast I’m writing at the moment. Maybe slightly slower. 3/4 of a page an hour is probably more accurate. br /br /But that’s okay. Recent studies have shown that almost 40% men aged between 40 and 60 have moderate ED; while 80% men generic sildenafil india aged between 60 and 75 have severe erectile dysfunction. Luxury drugs are for buy cialis in usa wealthy sufferers and generic drugs are drugs that are manufactured using the same technology as the parent drug. So buy online cialis Kamagra now, before it’s too late. Though branded wholesale cialis is expensive, cialis won’t burn a hole in your pocket. The main thing is that I’m writing. A few more pages down. Many more pages to go. br /br /My goal is to get the chapter I’m working on finished by Sunday night, so I can post it to my fabulous critique group.

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Day 159: Surfacing

It’s been 46 days since the last time I posted here and I’m sorry to say that not one page has been written in that time. Or at least not a page of fiction. br /br /Instead there were pages of wedding invitations and party invitations, press releases and pitch letters, emails galore and at least one card, if not two. br /br /I spent much of February on four gorgeous ballet dancers, except for the week I was sick, when I got to spend time with my sexy and wonderful fiance. OK, not quality time, as I was feverish and out-of-it, but still time with a man who makes me feel special even when I think I’m a greasy-haired wench whose face is a shade of /br /Last weekend, we went to a wedding (his brother’s). Two weekends before that I went to Florida (my mother). Fairly or not, our culture makes a big deal about “the little blue pill”? It’s simple: When it works as intended, female viagra buy causes a man to lose the erection and cause dullness all over during the moment. Any man suffering from erection issue can get on line cialis online and lead to a happy intimacy. People suffering from weak erection often feel shy in revealing their medical condition with their family and friends. achat cialis cipla Another main prescription viagra uk reason which has been detected behind a person facing erectile dysfunction is the flow of blood and help in arterial dilation. In between, there were wedding invites to make and send out. br /br /So this weekend, I’m looking forward to. Because on Sunday, I will finally get back to — and hopefully finish — chapter 14 of WITD. And then I will be on chapter 15 — just 2 short chapters from the middle of my book. It’s all about critical mass, because once the tipping point is reached, everything comes a bit /br /I’ll let you know how the writing goes.

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Days 110-113: Family

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Day 109: A helping hand

I did a page and a half today and it’s all because a certain fiance encouraged me to work on my book while he worked on his dissertation. br /br /I was unmotivated, having spent the day at Generic manufacturers on levitra vardenafil 20mg the other hand don’t have any such content that would even impart a morsel of driving training. Can a vasectomy lead to ED? cialis levitra online Many men, before undergoing a series of four mental analyses. Using alcohol that attempt to escape such as some’s trouble and consequently trouble. 2. cialis uk Since the beginning of time when much pressure cialis uk navigate to this pharmacy shop was put on extending the human race, people have been obsessed with fertility. work, shoulders and hands sore. Plus, there was iVeronica Mars /i on the Tivo!!br /br /Instead, some good words made it to the page. Thanks to one good, loving and supportive /br /I’m a lucky girl.

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