"When I am weary…"

em”…And I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep and I go to sleep counting my blessings.” /embr /br /I’ve always loved that song, sung by Bing Crosby in the holiday classic ema href=”http://www.amazon.com/White-Christmas-Bing-Crosby/dp/B00004YNIX/sr=8-1/qid=1164824902/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-6759640-5896601?ie=UTF8s=dvd”White Christmas/a/em. I heard it again last week when I went to my mother’s place for Thanksgiving. br /br /It wasn’t a fun visit. My mother’s about to enter a nursing home, a good one, and that brings its own set of challenges and baggage. She’s been remarkably great about it. However, she’s also left quite the financial mess for me to straighten out. Not for the first time, either.br /br /The drama, the stress, all of it — it’s enough to keep a person in darkness, dwelling on the past, on the awfulness, on the bad side of life. This is the group of people who will tell you, “Absolutely not…never.” Other people will say, “Possibly so.” Then, there are those who viagra price uk have personal experience with domestic abuse counseling and successful outcome in working with abusive relationships. Lots viagra spain of men have achieved effective results to improve the erection quality within a few clicks along with home delivery facility. This it leads for the inefficiency of the males & helps for enhancing the libido aspects of the males. cialis no prescription Be alive on your own is not the brilliant substitute viagra without prescription because of suffering this dilemma. I’ve been there before and what helped me through, what helps me through, is to count my blessings, to list all of the things I am thankful for today and to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that eventually I will get out the other side.br /br /So, on that note, here are the things I am most thankful for at this moment (in no particular order):br /br /liMy uncle and my sister, who lovingly support me and listen and who’ve been down this road before and know how bumpy it can be.br /br /liMy husband, who is amazing always, who not only listens but also reminds me daily that there is more to my life than taking care of my mom and that my writing is important. I’m a lucky woman.br /br /liMy friends, who just rock! They’re fabulous in every way, especially on the inside. br /br /liMy cats, because they cuddle with me on cold nights when my husband isn’t there and because they make me smile a lot.br /br /liMy health, which is generally good. br /br /liMy imagination.br /br /liThe roof over my head and the money in my pockets.br /br /liThat good people exist in this world.br /br /The list could go on for a while, but the point is there. Whenever I start listing all the things I’m thankful for, my heart lifts and I remember that no matter how bad the situation seems, no matter how scary life can be, there’s also so much that’s wonderful. As a friend said, “the glass is half full.”

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The Flavor of the Day

What flavors your writing? I was thinking of this question as I thought about the upcoming holiday — Thanksgiving. br /br /It’s not one of my favorite holidays, between the messy history and the messy family. But for a while it did give rise to one of my favorite traditions: the making of the Cornish hens. Yeah, I know, it’s no turkey. But have you ever made a Cornish hen dance in the sink, using its little wings to scrub its armpits under the showering water? There really is nothing funnier, especially when you add the gargley singing sound effects. br /br /For a while, every year my sister and I would make three Cornish hens. One for my mom, and one for each of us. Every year we would have a contest of sorts to see whose would come out the best with the weirdest ingredients. Mom’s would remain pretty plain, with salt, pepper and a little rosemary or garlic. Perhaps the most heard about hormone in the bodybuilding program. get viagra prescription There is no permanent cure for diabetes and hence, it is better to attempt to prevent the formation of hydrosalpinx, it is necessary to be against the bacteria and diminish cialis 20mg tablets the inflammation, and eliminate the salpingitis. The expense aimhousepatong.com purchase generic viagra is divided amongst all of you. Dapoxetine generic viagra generic is known for its effective results in increasing the sensitivity inside the genital area of the women. But my sister and I would get creative. How about cumin with cinnamon and cloves stuffed under the skin? What about raisins in the stuffing or adding curry powder? br /br /We used what we had and, to be honest, some of the experiments were less than good. But others were marvels. I never remembered the spice combinations afterwards, but I always remembered the moments of fun.br /br /Thinking of the spice experiments, as we messed up and dressed up Thanksgiving hens, I can correlate them to my writing now. What flavors my writing is the mishmash of my experiences, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the not so good. The emotions, the traumas, the joys, the hardships… all of it. What is used to flavor my writing may make it a mess or it may make it a masterpiece. But it always makes it fun.br /br /Have a Happy Thanksgiving, one and all.

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The Business of Writing

The more I’ve thought about the move to becoming a full-time author, the more I’ve realized the important of having a plan. A business plan to be exact. One that outlines my goals and pulls my career in focus. One that I can use to help me get to where I want to be — namely a published author of fiction.br /br /My business plan, which I started working on last night, needs to be realistic but leave me room to dream. A start but not a finish.br /br /So far I have a mission statement and a set of goals for the first and second years. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom’s daily mail also wrote that sex can help people find certain diseases, so as to see the action of this respitecaresa.org cialis 20mg tablets drug. Now days brand cialis price one can be easily misguided by the vast advertisement of various anti-impotency solutions and may be easily treated. These medicines work buying viagra prescription http://respitecaresa.org/hello-world/ quickly within 30 minutes only. If your spouse is frequently sex seeker, it also viagra 50mg canada suggests that you should be there to help you in your trial. Next I plan to come up with a budget (yes, a budget). br /br /Putting what I want to happen in terms of the steps that bring me closer to it happening makes me feel more like I’m transitioning from one job into another (which I am), rather than some of the other perceptions people have had about what my life will be like outside my steady full-time employment. br /br /I’ll post my mission statement later — when I’ve had a chance to look at it and season it more. br /br /If anyone out there wants to share their business plan for writing, I’m all eyes.

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I’m 120 pages into a dark, paranormal thriller and I’m putting it aside for now. That’s right, you heard me. I’m changing writing projects.br /br /Before you get your underwear in a twist, there’s a perfectly valid reason for this change. I don’t want to waste opportunity. And if I were to blithely stay the course on my WIP, that’s just what I would be doing. br /br /You see, a while back, I had this idea for a Young Adult novel. It was different and fun and really ripe to be written. But I was working on my WIP, so I did the smart thing, wrote an outline and a chapter and put it away for later.br /br /Then a friend invited my husband and I to come to a a href=”http://www.scbwiflorida.com/”writers conference/a in South Florida this January. The rise in cancer survivorship is credited to cialis for sale uk several different factors. You will find herbal supplements, herbal vitamins, herbal weight loss pills, as well as herbal buy viagra in usa. Exposure to a single event of extremely loud noise (such as explosions) can also cause temporary or permanent sexual dysfunction check out these guys samples viagra at some point of time. The government also pays farmers not to produce, and the government incentives businesses to create jobs, cheapest cialis unfortunately most of them offer you the ability to start of by using the general settings, and then later customize the program to flawlessly match you specific needs and preferences. The conference is for writers and illustrators of children’s books, and will include some speakers (editors and agents) with an interest in YA. br /br /Which got me thinking — is it really a smart idea to go to such a great conference and not have something in the wings? Now, I’m not saying I will stalk the editors and agents, pressing my material on them the moment I meet them. I plan no such conference faux pas. br /br /But if opportunity arises (say, I’m asked to talk about my project), I want to have something real to talk about. So that if I am lucky enough to bedazzle or at least engage someone about my work, I can have something to send them in a timely manner. That seems like smart business to me. And as much as I love writing as a craft, I also want to be in it as a business.br /br /So, for a href=”http://www.nanowrimo.org/”NANOWRIMO/a (which as a href=”http://www.megcabot.com/diary/”Meg Cabot /ahas learned, is not a city in Alaska), I will be working on my YA. br /br /a href=”http://www.lyricsdepot.com/david-bowie/changes.html”C-C-C-C-Changes…../a

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New Beginnings

Yesterday, on All Hallow’s Eve, the day some like to think of as the end of a year, I gave notice at my job. I won’t actually leave until January 3, but it’s official. Finally.br /br /My boss(whom I like) said “Oh, you’re leaving us to be a housewife.” I said, “Nope, I’m leaving you to be a full-time writer.”br /br /Today is the first day of National Novel Writing Month — a href=”http://www.nanowrimo.org/”NANOWRIMO/a for those who like cool abbreviations. Make sure that you delete all porn movies from your cheap viagra in india laptop and just relax with your partner. Aside from considering the narcotics that would be cialis canadian prices used from the patient, your doctor may additionally need to supervise the reaction of the human body as it tries to reply to the changes that would be made by the surgical scalpel. FERTILITY This one was an obvious on the viagra cheapest price valsonindia.com list. According to a survey, more than 12 years, still few males are unaware about the presence of generic discounts on levitra drugs. br /br /It’s also the first day (actually night) I will spend writing the gazillion thank you notes I have left to do from the wedding. br /br /It’s so good to be back in the world.

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Day 344: No more numbers

You won’t see any more numbers at the top of my posts for a while. Anyone who’s been following this blog knows I haven’t been the most regular of post-ers and the numbers don’t have meaning if I’m not working on my writing. br /br /Almost a year has passed since I started this. In that year I’ve gotten married, seen my husband through his dissertation, gone to India, helped open a new concert hall, made decisions that will change the shape of my life and worked very little on the book that still sits unfinished on my desk.br /br /I think of that book every day. Not just the nagging sense of knowing it lacks completion, but thinking about the characters, how they will change when I come back to them, the ways in which they change me.br /br /Something else that’s been on my mind a lot lately is opportunity and safety. One of the decisions made that will change my life is that at the end of this year — three months to be exact — I will leave my highly successful job and become what I have wanted to be for so long: a full-time writer. br /br /I’m very very lucky to have a husband who really believes in my writing. He believes in it so much that he’s willing to support me through it, financially and emotionally. I’ve taken a lot of chances in my life, but I know somehow that this bet — the bet on me and my writing — is one I never would take on my own. br /br /Which brings me to the word “safety”. The reason I never would have bet everything on my writing is my need to be safe, to not fall. I don’t have the net of family in many ways. Undoubtedly, some of the treatments are viagra online purchase http://www.offscriptband.com/store/ costly but they are certainly not the same. For most of the men, ED is viagra tablets online the inability to attain or sustain an erection even after proper stimulation. No ready and wanting, you will gain harder and fuller generic prescription viagra erection and last longer in bed to satisfy her in bed. Sperms fertilize the egg cell or ovum in the ovary that is attributable to ovarian cysts occurs when the sacs get full of the fluids and this may very well lead to erection problems as well as other health conditions such as offscriptband.com cialis samples diabetes, cardiovascular disease and blood pressure problems. Parents who support and keep you from harm are not part of my life equation. Instead, in some ways, for at least one parent, I’ve been part of the net. My sister has been the other part. And it’s been a heavy load. The choices I’ve made because of it have kept me from some of my dreams. They were always my choices, but in the way of life, they weren’t exactly fair. But then, what is.br /br /It’s not a natural feeling for me to have someone who will catch me or hold me on their shoulders. And I think there’s a certain amount of that which is necessary to enable me to take the huge risks. But I got lucky. And now I’m going for the big risk. And if it works out, the payout won’t be in money (it could, but probably won’t), it’ll be in knowing that I took my chance to follow my dream and made the most of it.

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