em”…And I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep and I go to sleep counting my blessings.” /embr /br /I’ve always loved that song, sung by Bing Crosby in the holiday classic ema href=”http://www.amazon.com/White-Christmas-Bing-Crosby/dp/B00004YNIX/sr=8-1/qid=1164824902/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-6759640-5896601?ie=UTF8s=dvd”White Christmas/a/em. I heard it again last week when I went to my mother’s place for Thanksgiving. br /br /It wasn’t a fun visit. My mother’s about to enter a nursing home, a good one, and that brings its own set of challenges and baggage. She’s been remarkably great about it. However, she’s also left quite the financial mess for me to straighten out. Not for the first time, either.br /br /The drama, the stress, all of it — it’s enough to keep a person in darkness, dwelling on the past, on the awfulness, on the bad side of life. This is the group of people who will tell you, “Absolutely not…never.” Other people will say, “Possibly so.” Then, there are those who viagra price uk have personal experience with domestic abuse counseling and successful outcome in working with abusive relationships. Lots viagra spain of men have achieved effective results to improve the erection quality within a few clicks along with home delivery facility. This it leads for the inefficiency of the males & helps for enhancing the libido aspects of the males. cialis no prescription Be alive on your own is not the brilliant substitute viagra without prescription because of suffering this dilemma. I’ve been there before and what helped me through, what helps me through, is to count my blessings, to list all of the things I am thankful for today and to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that eventually I will get out the other side.br /br /So, on that note, here are the things I am most thankful for at this moment (in no particular order):br /br /liMy uncle and my sister, who lovingly support me and listen and who’ve been down this road before and know how bumpy it can be.br /br /liMy husband, who is amazing always, who not only listens but also reminds me daily that there is more to my life than taking care of my mom and that my writing is important. I’m a lucky woman.br /br /liMy friends, who just rock! They’re fabulous in every way, especially on the inside. br /br /liMy cats, because they cuddle with me on cold nights when my husband isn’t there and because they make me smile a lot.br /br /liMy health, which is generally good. br /br /liMy imagination.br /br /liThe roof over my head and the money in my pockets.br /br /liThat good people exist in this world.br /br /The list could go on for a while, but the point is there. Whenever I start listing all the things I’m thankful for, my heart lifts and I remember that no matter how bad the situation seems, no matter how scary life can be, there’s also so much that’s wonderful. As a friend said, “the glass is half full.”
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