Goodbye 2011

[dropcap2 variation=”teal”]G[/dropcap2]oodbye 2011. You were mostly good to me.

Z-baby grew to Z-toddler. Compete with sentences like “No mom, not Martha Squeaks. Martha Speaks!” Silly mommy. Tall girl. Apple of her parents’ eyes.

Celebrated 5th wedding anniversary with the Darling Husband. In San Fran. Saw Tony Bennett live, in concert. The man can sing. Ate at Hubert Keller’s restaurant. The man can cook. Stayed in a romantic hotel. The man can…. better left to the imagination. Left Z-toddler with Nana. Had a wonderful time.

Went on a Zen retreat with my bestie Mary. Sat in stillness. Did a walking meditation. Got away for a while.

Helped open the Center for Games and Playable Media. A lot of games people came. A fair amount of press came. The results were a solid start. Go #ifog.

Nephew was born. Healthy. Saw him, my niece, and their parents (love you , sis) in New Jersey. Celebrated Halloween in June for the darling niece’s birthday party. Made lots of cupcakes and my first watermelon jack-o-lantern. Fun!

Went to Europe with my Uncle J. Learned never to go to Europe with my Uncle J. Saw Vivaldi performed in Venice. Walked ruins in Rome. Basked in the light of the stained glass windows of Sainte-Chapelle. Have good memories despite. Found my favorite color of red lipstick via a Parisian shop. Glamour at last. Missed 20th high school reunion due to trip. CVHS still rules.

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Started work on the book, now books, again. Took class from Lani Diane Rich. Started getting back into writing gear. Hopeful for the future.

Spent Thanksgiving sick at home. Then had a party 2 days later. Used Grandma K’s china. Big success.

Found out my mom is not long for this world. Spent Christmas with her in Florida. Bittersweet.

There were ups. There were downs. There were circular paths. Lots of travel. Lots of laughter. A smattering of tears.

A year in my life… a year of my life. Goodbye 2011. Thanks for the memories.

Photo Credit: Sainte-Chapelle by JK Mahal.

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