a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://bp3.blogger.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/R1SzZToQqWI/AAAAAAAAADM/vIan-1sfp-o/s1600-R/1906051079_82e588cedf.jpg”img style=”margin: 0pt 0pt 10px 10px; float: right; cursor: pointer;” src=”http://bp3.blogger.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/R1SzZToQqWI/AAAAAAAAADM/SyQwNqeE90E/s200/1906051079_82e588cedf.jpg” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5139930322083817826″ border=”0″/abr /font size=”5″span style=”font-weight: bold;”N/span/fontever thought I’d be in another love-hate relationship, and yet here I am, in a love-hate relationship with my book. Otherwise known as “That Damned Project I’m Too Stupid to Quit Working On.”br /br /My husband gets the worst of it. He hears my whining complaints nightly. I think instead of a DH (Darling Husband), I got an SH (Saintly Husband) because only a saint could put up with the amount of vitriol I produce on this subject.br /br /Every night, I want to quit on my WIP. Not because it’s not working (it is) or that it’s not getting done (it is, finally) but because after five years of working on it (always part-time until recently), I’m tired of it. As I rework the opening pages for the umpteenth time, having gotten the story on a good track, I find myself wanting to strangle the computer. Or at least kick it a little.br /br /I love that I’m getting to work on it. I hate that it’s so hard and taking so long. So in this case it’s “more the scarier” Take Get More Info india generic tadalafil 100mg orally with a glass of water. Let him decide whether you canada viagra online are healthy enough for a person to have for the whole 24hours. With this article we have come up with some of the solution to make you enjoy sexual life without the hurdle of erectile dysfunction. http://www.daveywavey.tv/eroticbody/ levitra 20mg tablets It is very crucial to find the unified communication solution, which emphasizes on good value on sale here canada pharmacy viagra office telephone systems and also ensure high quality and privacy of calls. There are other ideas I have, maybe even better ideas, but I can’t give up on this one. Curse my stubbornness. Drat you, drat you. Or drat me, drat me.br /br /There’s nothing to it but through it. Just gotta keep going. I’m trying to get a chapter a day on paper. Maybe as I migrate through the past pages into the future ones, I’ll fall in love with this project again. Glory be, I hope so.br /br /How about you? Do you have a love-hate relationship with your writing?
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I don’t know about love-hate, but I definitely have a knot-in-my-stomach, I-gotta-push-through-this feeling. BTW, I did add a primitive progress meter to my sidebar. I’ll try it for a couple of weeks anyway. And, yes, I’m in San Diego too!
Thanks, Barrie. 🙂 I hope the word meter works for you. And it’s wonderful to meet another SD writer.BR/BR/I’ve gotta find a way to get all the emotion I feel about writing the book into the book. It is going well, even I seems to be going batty.BR/BR/Good luck on your new book. And I look forward to seeing your first one in bookstores next year.BR/BR/Jen