a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://bp0.blogger.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/R0cZU74UrsI/AAAAAAAAADE/EoWACyKRflo/s1600-h/1348969426_7be6b3b98c.jpg”img style=”margin: 0pt 0pt 10px 10px; float: right; cursor: pointer;” src=”http://bp0.blogger.com/_dJEkdJdUM4w/R0cZU74UrsI/AAAAAAAAADE/EoWACyKRflo/s200/1348969426_7be6b3b98c.jpg” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5136101747501346498″ border=”0″ //abr /span style=”font-size:180%;”span style=”font-weight: bold;”I/span/spann Quakerism, there are these things called advices and queries. At the beginning of each month in the meetinghouse, a set of questions (queries) are read for people to meditate on, to open the mind to new possibilities and directions.br /br /I was raised in the Quaker tradition and so when there is a lingering question in my head, I think of it as a query. Right now, the question knocking around up there is this: bWhat do you need to let go of??/bbr /br /Working on my WIP during NaNoWriMo, I’ve realized that one of my main characters needs to not exist. I don’t mean that the character needs to be killed off, I mean he needs to not be in this novel. At all.br /br /While writing, I suddenly saw that he had no role here. The genuine aftermaths incorporate issues like mid-section torment, delayed agonizing erection, and windedness. levitra vardenafil For more information, please visit 99eyao website: See more articles like How to Keep Men Away From Prostatitis? For more information, please visit 99eyao website: Sildenafil citrate tablets have gained immense praise buy levitra in uk and recognition for serving as an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. They sometimes do not reveal it to their partner as well thinking what bad impact it viagra shipping would be on them. You can buy Bluze capsule buy women viagra and Mast Mood oil from reputed online stores. I was forcing him to be in a story where he didn’t belong simply because when I started I had this idea and I was going to cling to that idea even if it wasn’t working. I let go, and in letting go I found my story working again.br /br /It’s painful. There are words lost, scenes lost, lovely bits that no longer fit. Of course it all gets saved, just in case. I do believe in recycling.br /br /But as I rework the chapters I thought I had locked, I’m letting go of the way things had to be.br /br /What do you need to let go of?
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Wow, probably a million things. LOL.BR/BR/Good luck on the final stretch of NaNoWriMo!
You too! BR/Jen
Wow, I love this post. It is sooo true for me. What did I let go of? About 300 pages. Seriously. After some major reworking and replotting of my book, I had to dump 300 pages. It was so painful, but so worth it. Because the book I have now is so much better.BR/BR/I don’t know who first said it, but a phrase that I call upon time and again is, “Kill your darlings.” All those scenes that you’re so tied to but seem to be tripping you up…they have to go. And when a writer finally has the courage to kill her darlings, then she’s truly letting the story come to life. BR/BR/~ Weez 🙂
Amen, sister. BR/BR/Jen
What do I need to let go of? Too many things to list. Ha! However, I can tell you that I’ve cut characters and, after the initial grief, I’m so much happier with the ms. Good luck!!