Not like Magellan. Or like that silly Dr. Scholl’s commercial. But I snuck in a little writing this week and have got to say, I think the story is gelling. br /br /The characters are secure in their voices. I’ll need to tighten things here and there when I’m done, but core to the story is /br /Which is good because I’m just about midbook. Usual, non surgical treatment of the many signs or symptoms and expectations and use a balance of bioidentical hormones, herbals and nutritional supplements, to achieve optimal symptom reduction.” AgeMD is definitely an buy cipla tadalafil exclusive national network of bioidentical hormone medical professionals who specialize in bioidentical hormone remedy and age linked disease. According cheapest price viagra cialis 20 mg article to the findings of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Here is a list of what’s excellent for you: Black Chocolates: Black sweets are known to boost the system movement to the cheap cialis pennis bloodstream. Many Educational hubs are also having very near from this location no prescription viagra like Radcliffe School, The Bishops Co Ed School and Don Bosco High School. And just about mid-year. br /br /Hmm… I just had to write a self-evaluation at my workplace, so maybe this is a time for a mid-year writing/blog assessment in PRO/CON or CON/PRO (as I like to do it — always give me the bad news first) style:br /br /buCONS/b/ubr /br /* I haven’t done as much writing as I had hoped when I started this blog — inspired by a href= Crusie/a and her struggles to write Mare. br /br /* Because of my lack of writing, this blog has not been updated as often as it should or been as interesting. br /br /buPROS/b/ubr /br /* Because it emanates invisible waves of guilt, this blog has helped me to keep my writing fresh in my /br /* Watching the days pile up without a progress post is /br /* Knowing that my fabulous friends (and critique group) gals are reading this and linking to it makes me want to do /br /I do have a new goal — a realistic one in light of what’s coming up for me (wedding, house hunting, opening a new a href=http://www.ocpac.orgconcert hall/a). I pledge to write (or finish) one chapter a month, with May-June being combined to count as one month (hey, a gal’s gotta have some time to get married and go visit family in a foreign country).br /br /If I’m at Chapter 20/21 in December, I will have made my goal (though I will be in Year 2 of this blog).
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Hey, Jen-BR/I enjoy your blog 🙂 Keeping that writing momentum going is so important, but geez it’s difficult, huh? You are doing a much better job of it than I am. You’re an inspiration!