Days 15-27: Away and gone

Yes, the title of the post is correct. Yes, I realize it’s day 24 today, not 27. But I won’t be posting until Day 28, when at last I will get back to /br /Why so much time off, you ask? First, there are the uncooperative wrists. One cannot determine proper dosage, time cialis generic cheapest and method of intake for eliminating ED from a love-session. More than 30 million pill viagra for sale men in the United States alone there are about 30 million men who suffer from Erectile Dysfunction or lack of erection can take this medicine is to take with water as it dissolves rapidly and give its effects. Such torment can be readily resolved by a proper cost cialis viagra medication. Avoid a heavy meal before using the medicine. cialis soft generic Then there is this thing called a job (Ah, work. The bane of creative existence for the part-time artist). Add a four day trip cross country to visit and take care of family things and, well, you get the /br /So, until Day 28, I bid you adieu.

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One Response to Days 15-27: Away and gone

  1. Louise says:

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if none of us had to earn an income? If we could just focus on what we really want to do, which is WRITE? But I know that you’ll be successful. I think this blog is a great way to hold yourself accountable, even if only to yourself!BR/BR/Louise

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