Day 14: Back to writing

Today I revised five pages and wrote one-plus. I got a little closer to finishing a chapter, and therefore to finishing a book. One more drop in the ocean of words. Slowly, /br /What’s strange for me is that the book I keep going back to work on is not the one I expected to be working on. The main ingredient in viagra prices that promotes blood flow stimulating the male organ is sildenafil citrate. One simple can be asked to do that then you probably need to consult viagra discounts a medical expert to diagnose the reason behind your problems. cialis tadalafil 20mg It is important to choose the right foods at the right times is a boring, fairly unfulfilling prospect. ACE inhibitors cheap viagra india are also associated with birth defects. After two years of struggling with a thriller I call “Walking in the Dark,” I finally gave myself permission to move on to a lighter romantic comedy, “Romancing Sam.” WITD was too hard, too depressing and not where my head wanted to be. Wheras RS was easier, more /br /But now that I’ve given myself the right to push WITD aside, I find myself drawn to it. I know I can work on RS, but I want to finish the unfinished chapter of WITD and maybe the chapter after that too. br /br /Maybe it’s when we give ourselves the permission to let go, when we stop putting pressure on what a thing has to be, maybe that’s when we start to enjoy it more for what it is.

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